Thursday, August 6, 2020

Why can't NYC be as clean as Chicago?

I'm back. It's been 7 years. I'm now retired. 

Time for me to note and state we in the great USA need a plan for our cities to be better at being clean. We in NYC, the largest city in the USA, should certainly be on the list for the cleanest cities in the world. You know who ranks above us - Chicago. Check it out: 

I am taking a walk and what do I see a day after the hurricane and what do I see on a well used walkway along an avenue in lovely Brooklyn that blocked both sides.

 The bicyclists, the other walkers, and joggers continue along our merry way and what do we come across is that the state of the sidewalks are filled with the debris of twigs, branches, uncut grass. To clean up the streets, to cut the grass that edge the sidewalks. 

Sure would have helped if we had, even in the midst of a pandemic, small teams of teens, in PPE, actively engaged in both a community project that helps all within a neighborhood. By having this type of modified summer program, it helps with providing kinesthetic learning opportunity to supplement the minds of students about city planning and preservation.

 Who is supposed to fix this? Is it the homeowner? The tree was not on the homeowner's property.
Here's another issue - 
 What would it cost, at this time in August, to make sure adults of all sizes, in small groups, wearing masks, making areas safer and cleaner in neighbors? Wouldn't it support, at a cheaper rate, the energy, time to the overburdened sanitation department? Why must drivers hope that they are able to safely move down a street?

It sounds minor but it is a a reality that people trip over branches, twigs, leaves branches.

This debris bundles together as future hazards if there is a rainstorm to clear drainage area.
We need infrastructure, in the time of the pandemic. This pandemic will probably last over a two year time period, which is the time span of the Spanish Flue in 1918.  Not a pleasant thought at all. 

We need to keep thinking and planning. We need to provide opportunities for people to work even during this time period.  We as a people, need to think of ways to upkeep and upgrade ways to move forward and not just accept sloppy conditions.

We have people waiting on food lines, crossing all classes. If people are supposedly interested in 

Infrastructure now - let's start small, targeted, safely, and smartly. 

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